The heat of the global recession is on. The news carried nothing else but job losses, closure of shops, bankruptcy and stock market crashes. Even before this moment in time, the media is known for sensationalizing bad news. If it is not about the global recession, it is about a man who raped his daughter or the body of a murdered ten-year old found somewhere or a country in Africa where people are being ravaged by AIDS.

In the midst of these terrible reports however, it is exciting to know that there is good news. The good news comes directly from the one who created the heavens and the earth; the One by whom you and I exist.

What is this good news you might ask? The good news is simply this; God knew ahead of time, that there will be a time like this and He made the necessary arrangements to ensure that you and I survive!

In the book of Genesis, Chapter 37, a young boy called Joseph had a dream. It was the most unusual dream he’d ever had. Being the child that he was, he told this dream to his brothers. The meaning was not lost on his brothers and they were naturally hostile towards Joseph. According to Matthew Henry in his commentary, ‘Joseph was more of a prophet than a politician; else he would have kept this secret to himself’. This is true especially since his brothers obviously hated him due to the fact that his father doted on him.

Relating the second dream elicited a response from his father Jacob, who gently rebuked him. This was apparently to stop the young boy from further aggravating his brothers who didn’t take kindly to his dreams. This can be deduced from the fact that verse 11, ‘His brothers were jealous of him but his father kept the matter in mind’.

Fast forward to Chapter 50. Jacob had become Prime Minister of Egypt at a time when there was famine and there was no food anywhere else but in Egypt, due to the Joseph’s wise management of Egypt’s food store during the time of plenty. He had become reunited with his father and brothers. While Jacob was alive, Joseph’s brothers felt safe but now that their father was dead, they began to fear retribution from Joseph for the evil that they did to him.

What was Joseph’s response? ‘Do not be afraid; am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.’ (verse 19 – 21)

Whatever may be happening around the world today, God has a plan for you. Many of God’s children will come out of this economic recession better than they were before the recession began. There is a transfer of wealth about to take place and you and I are in the middle of this divine process!

The next logical question is, ‘what do I do to take advantage of the current situation?’ The answer is simple, ‘Keep doing what you are doing but pay attention to what God is telling you’.

Joseph’s brothers did not pay attention to his dreams. They were so blinded by their jealousy that all they wanted to do was get rid of this brat who had taken all the affection of their father. They were insecure and it showed in their haste to get rid of him.

God will be talking to His children at this time but unfortunately they will be too caught up in what is happening and will not take to heart what He is saying. Even when they hear, it will make no meaning to them because it would negate the realities of the current situation. We will do well to be like Jacob, who kept the dreams of Joseph in his heart.

Do not let the bad news you hear over the world economy, cause you distress. The good news is that God has a plan for you, that is better than any bailout plan ever conceived by any government in the world.

Steve o. Popoola

© Biblepraise Fellowship Online, March 2009

Steve Popoola is the editor of Biblepraise Newsletter and the webmaster of Biblepraise Fellowship Online at British by birth, He currently resides in Lagos, Nigeria with wife Maris and their children; Praise, Stephanie and Precious. He works as an IT professional in a bank. He presently serves as Church Secretary and Heads the Music Ministry in his local church . He loves to encourage and inspire through speaking forums. He is the Moderator/Editor of Biblepraise Newsletter. He can be reached through His email address,